About The Lightning Tree: Unraveling the Mystery
“The Lightning Tree” is a novella written by Patrick Rothfuss, set in the same fictional world as his popular “Kingkiller Chronicle” series, and Doors of Stone is set to release in November 2025. This novella is not part of the main trilogy but is a side story that provides additional depth to the world and characters.
“The Lightning Tree” primarily focuses on a character named Bast. Bast is a significant character in the Kingkiller Chronicle series, known for being the loyal and enigmatic assistant to the protagonist, Kvothe. In this novella, readers get a closer look at Bast’s life and adventures while he’s away from Kvothe and the events of the main series.
The novella is set in the town of Newarre, which is also featured in the main series, and it follows Bast as he interacts with the townspeople and navigates various situations. It provides insight into Bast’s personality, abilities, and motivations, giving readers a better understanding of his character.
“The Lightning Tree” was originally published as part of the anthology “Rogues” in 2014 and later as a standalone e-book. It is a supplementary work for fans of the Kingkiller Chronicle series who want to delve deeper into the world and its characters. However, it is not a direct continuation of the main story and is more of a side adventure featuring Bast.