Characters of the Kingkiller Chronicle


Kvothe is the main character in the Kingkiller Chronicle. His name is described as much like the word quoth (kwəʊθ) but beginning the same as the Yiddish term kvetch (kvɛtʃ). He is exceptionally intelligent, quick-witted, sharp-tongued and clever, as well as a talented musician. He is also very curious, a quality that often gets him into trouble. He has a quick temper, is reckless, and often thoughtless.


Denna is the primary female figure in The Name of the Wind; she is arguably the main romantic interest of Kvothe, who holds an irresistible fascination with her. Due to her chosen lifestyle, she is homeless and prone to wandering but manages to make a decent living using her voice and charm. Men have a fatal attraction to her, an attraction she can never seem to return. When a man gets too familiar with her, she will often leave town quickly and silently.


Felurian is a seemingly immortal Fae, known in folktales throughout The Four Corners of Civilization.
One of the magical Fae, Felurian is essentially considered the most beautiful and insatiable woman in the known worlds. She is described as having pale, smooth skin that shimmers in the moonlight, and long black hair “like a sheaf of shadows.” She has a petal-shaped mouth and dark, curious eyes. Her eyelids are patterned with designs resembling a butterfly’s wings.


Bast is Kvothe’s assistant, student and friend who lives with him at the Waystone Inn. He is a main character in the frame story and was present for the majority of Kvothe’s narration. Bast is described as dark and charming, with sharp and delicate features, a quick smile, and cunning blue eyes. He wears a black long-sleeved shirt, black pants and soft black boots. Bast is later revealed to be a Fae creature under glammourie.

The Cthaeh

The Cthaeh is generally regarded by the Fae as the most terrible and malicious being in existence. The Cthaeh is a creature that dwells within the branches of a great tree, located in the middle of a clearing in the Fae Realm. It is either trapped or forced to stay there by the guardians of the tree, The Sithe. It is known to converse with those who approach it, often displaying a sort of omniscience about the world and the life of the visitor.


Auri is a former student of The University and close friend of Kvothe who lives in The Underthing. Auri lives below the University in a system of ruins which she calls the Underthing. She has special names for many of the rooms that can be found there, such as Vaults, Cricklets, Throughbottoms and Billows, usually naming them for their characteristics. She keeps track of many of these rooms, constantly setting them to what she interprets as right.


Elodin is the Master Namer at the University. Kvothe meets Elodin at his first admissions interview and subsequently learns a collection of bizarre rumors about the Master. Most notable of these is the story of his abdication from the position of Chancellor and subsequent escape from Haven, which Elodin personally narrates to Kvothe to match the epic cadence of the popular folk story,Taborlin the Great.


Haliax is the leader of The Chandrian, and one of the major antagonists of Kvothe’s storyline. Haliax enters the story as a mysterious figure present at the murder of Kvothe’s Troupe. At the time, little is known about his character, but this pivotal scene is instrumental in the personal development of the main character, Kvothe. Later, in Tarbean, Kvothe meets the storyteller Skarpi and requests the story of Lanre, hoping to learn more about him due to a song written by Arliden, Kvothe’s father.